CESEEnet is a research information network for economists working within the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) on policy-oriented economic research with a regional focus on Central, Eastern and Southeastern European (CESEE) economies. The network is hosted by Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB).
By pooling the existing economic research expertise within the ESCB, CESEEnet provides a platform for exchanging research findings, disseminating policy-relevant research results on an international scale and cooperating on research projects.
CESEEnet was set up to stimulate interaction on macroeconomic research in central bank-relevant areas with a regional focus on Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe with a view to promoting the creation of new research findings. By initiating and coordinating high-quality, policy-relevant economic research with a focus on issues particularly relevant for the CESEE countries and European integration, CESEEnet aims to enhance the quality and efficiency of ESCB economic policymaking.
One of the main objectives is to create a virtual center of excellence by building a platform encouraging researchers from different institutions to share their knowledge, communicate ideas, exchange opinions and collaborate across international borders.
At their June 2014 meeting in Vienna, the heads of research of ESCB central banks expressed their wish to establish closer research cooperation among experts and to enhance the exchange of information on specific research topics. The OeNB responded by offering to host a research information network with a regional focus on CESEE. CESEEnet went online in May 2016. The next step will be an initial meeting of CESEEnet participants on June 30, 2016 in Vienna. Further meetings in different locations are envisaged in order to promote closer cooperation between researchers at ESCB central banks and actively enhance interaction.
List of research topics
- Monetary policy
- International macroeconomics
- Exchange rate policy
- Inflation
- Fiscal policy
- Labor markets
- Competitiveness
- International trade
- Balance of payments
- Financial sector
- Forecasting
- Econometric modeling
- Housing
- Growth
- Institutions
- Other